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Quobba fins are especially suited to wave riding. The speed gain is extremely noticeable, so much that you will be able to try new lines on the wave.

Stand up Paddle Boarding (Recommended fins)

What's the best Quobba Fins size for SUPing?
“Everyone is loving your fins!!! “ Rick Weeks – @supthecreek

Ricky recommends the Carbon Glass series, Mixed sizes (Side: Larges and Rear: Medium)
Single Fin/Longboard Box Adapter
The Quobba Fins team is working on a specific SUP boarding fin set up.

Until that happens we will happily fit our existing Quobba rear dual tab fin into the longboard box adapter.

We hope you get to enjoy Quobba Fins ASAP!!


Michael Booth - Testimonial
Elite waterman, world champion

Quobba has changed the game. The acceleration and control is unparalleled. I’m using the dual tab thruster QPlus for my side fins and the Q for the rear fin.

My board feels alive like never before. Get these fins. You won’t be disappointed!

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